
Friday, September 13, 2024

Hi, folks.

What am I doing in general at the moment? I'm trying to figure out my professional path in life.

I've been getting hired as an editor across places, both in fandom circles and in IRL circles, although they're hit-or-miss since the revenue sources are incredibly patchy. Trying to figure out my own worth in terms of my skills translated to money. I took on an incredibly hefty commitment to edit visual accompaniment to an audiobook of The Book of Bill, produced by none other than my friend Charley the Pirate Theydy.

This is happening at the same time as I'm juggling a call center job. It's not glorious but it's my main moneymaker at the moment, and it's why videos on my main channel have kinda taken a backseat for now. Hopefully I can quit it at some point.

We're also building a new house. It's a bit turbulent, and difficult living in a new place in the meantime, but it's as manageable as one can get. Hopefully better living conditions will follow and I can eventually take more of a chill pill.

Lastly but certainly not least: I'm (eventually) writing my thesis paper. University is boring for the most part, and thesis papers are super specific in their subject, and they're dumb in my opinion. My priorities are a bit out of whack, as you can see. Working on that. My channel can wait.
